IALEの新しいアウトリーチ活動,IALE Outreach “Knowledge Base” Webinar Seriesが始まります.

Webinar(ウェビナー)とはウェブセミナー(Web Seminar)の略称で,ウェブサイト上でセミナーの配信を行うことを指します.双方向のコミュニケーションができることが特徴だと言われています.

今回のウェビナーのトピックは「Land Change model calibration, validation and
extrapolation (Land Change Science)」です.



IALE Outreach “Knowledge Base” Webinar Series

Topic: Land Change model calibration, validation and extrapolation (Land Change Science)

Speaker: Dr. Robert G. Pontius Graduate School of Geography Clark University Worcester MA 01610-1477

Date/Time: Monday December 14, 2015 @ 10:00AM EST (15:00 hrs. GMT)
Meeting website: https://meetings.webex.com/collabs/#/meetings/detail?uuid=M5RXOFH4HKS0CHNXVZTOVD18B3-4O2
Meeting number: 195 878 681
Audio Connection: +1-415-655-0001 US TOLL
Access code: 195 878 681

Some useful information about attend a WebEx online webinars can be found at:
How to Attend a WebEx Meeting
WebEx Instructional Guide for Joining a Webinar
WebEx Mobile (WebEx goes with you!)

This is the inaugural webinar hosted by the IALE Outreach Working Group (IOWG) and it is open to all IALE members, scientists, and graduate students who are interested in land Change Science. Although you can join in on the date of the webinar, we would be very grateful if you could indicate your interest in attending this webinar by RSVP to hbulley [at] bmcc.cuny.edu.

by Dr. Henry N. N. Bulley (Chair – IALE Outreach Working Group)
